Quality policy

DUARTE Y BELTRÁN, S.A. is a family company founded in 1979, the continuation of the individual company INTEA P. BELTRÁN which, since 1915, has specialised in the creation and development of cosmetic products made with high quality natural components, and is currently the owner of the INTEA®.

Our company is characterised by a constant search for improvement of the product we offer to our customers. For this reason, the point of view of our customers and end consumers must be known throughout the company and must be measured in order to be able to assess their degree of satisfaction.

The competitiveness of DUARTE Y BELTRÁN, S.A. is absolutely necessary for our permanence in the market and for this reason the Quality Management System implemented, according to the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, must be aimed at achieving the satisfaction of customers, end consumers and employees. At the same time, it must allow the global optimisation of the company's resources, meeting all the requirements determined by the client, establishing competitive prices, providing an optimum product and faithfully complying with delivery deadlines.

DUARTE Y BELTRÁN, S.A. is committed to the path of continuous improvement by integrating the cycle of Planning, Execution, Verification and Analysis into the Quality Management System, in order to do things right, the first time and with the right quality.

Quality is manufactured at every work station in the company, from the sales staff who gather the needs of the Client, to the personnel who process, prepare and dispatch orders, which means that the collaboration and commitment of all the members of the company is necessary to satisfy this Quality Policy.

The task of quality improvement is first and foremost a management responsibility and therefore the management is committed to:

- Establish annually quantifiable objectives derived from this Quality Policy.

- Providing the necessary human, technical and material resources, as well as adequate training for staff to carry out their tasks with the required levels of quality.

- Ensure the implementation, compliance and effectiveness of this Policy, making it known to all members of the company, as well as to its suppliers, collaborators and the general public, ensuring that it is understood and reviewing it annually to check its suitability for our company's purpose.

José Ignacio Beltrán Piñeiro

Managing Director

In Santander, 11 September, 2007